A00-B99 C00-D48D50-D89 E00-E90 F00-F99 G00-G99 H00-H59 H60-H95 I00-I99 J00-J99 K00-K93
L00-L99 M00-M99 N00-N99 O00-O99 P00-P96 Q00-Q99 R00-R99 S00-T98 V01-Y98 Z00-Z99 U00-U99

G90-G99 Other disorders of the nervous system

Chapter VI

Diseases of the nervous system

Other disorders of the nervous system

G90Disorders of autonomic nervous system
Latin: Affectiones systematis nervosi autonomi
Excludes:dysfunction of autonomic nervous system due to alcohol (G31.2)
G90.0Idiopathic peripheral autonomic neuropathy
Latin: Neuropathia autonoma peripherica idiopathica
Carotid sinus syncope
G90.1Familial dysautonomia [Riley-Day]
Latin: Dysautonomia familiaris (Riley-Day)
G90.2Horner's syndrome
Latin: Syndroma Horner
Bernard(-Horner) syndrome
G90.3Multi-system degeneration
Latin: Degeneratio multisystemicam
Neurogenic orthostatic hypotension [Shy-Drager]
Excludes:orthostatic hypotension NOS (I95.1)
G90.4Autonomic dysreflexia
G90.8Other disorders of autonomic nervous system
Latin: Affectiones systematis nervosi autonomi alii
G90.9Disorder of autonomic nervous system, unspecified
Latin: Affectiones systematis nervosi autonomi, non specificatus

Latin: Hydrocephalus
Includes:acquired hydrocephalus
· congenital (Q03.-)
· due to congenital toxoplasmosis (P37.1)
G91.0Communicating hydrocephalus
Latin: Hydrocephalus communicans
G91.1Obstructive hydrocephalus
Latin: Hydrocephalus obstructivus
G91.2Normal-pressure hydrocephalus
Latin: Hydrocephalus cum tensione normali
G91.3Post-traumatic hydrocephalus, unspecified
Latin: Hydrocephalus posttraumaticus, non specificatus
G91.8Other hydrocephalus
Latin: Hydrocephalus alius
G91.9Hydrocephalus, unspecified
Latin: Hydrocephalus, non specificatus

G92Toxic encephalopathy
Latin: Encephalopathia toxica
Use additional external cause code (Chapter XX), if desired, to identify toxic agent.

G93Other disorders of brain
Latin: Morbi cerebri alii
G93.0Cerebral cysts
Latin: Cystis cerebri
Arachnoid cyst
Porencephalic cyst, acquired
Excludes:acquired periventricular cysts of newborn (P91.1)
congenital cerebral cysts (Q04.6)
G93.1Anoxic brain damage, not elsewhere classified
Latin: Laesio cerebri anoxica
· abortion or ectopic or molar pregnancy (O00-O07, O08.8)
· pregnancy, labour or delivery (O29.2, O74.3, O89.2)
· surgical and medical care (T80-T88)
neonatal anoxia (P21.9)
G93.2Benign intracranial hypertension
Latin: Hypertensio intracranialis benigna
Excludes:hypertensive encephalopathy (I67.4)
G93.3Postviral fatigue syndrome
Latin: Syndroma fatigationis postviralis
Benign myalgic encephalomyelitis
G93.4Encephalopathy, unspecified
Latin: Encephalopathia, non specificata
· alcoholic (G31.2)
· toxic (G92)
G93.5Compression of brain
Latin: Compressio cerebri
of brain (stem)
Excludes:traumatic compression of brain (diffuse) (S06.2)
· focal (S06.3)
G93.6Cerebral oedema
Latin: Oedema cerebri
Excludes:cerebral oedema:
· due to birth injury (P11.0)
· traumatic (S06.1)
G93.7Reye's syndrome
Latin: Syndroma Reye
Use additional external cause code (Chapter XX), if desired, to identify cause.
G93.8Other specified disorders of brain
Latin: Morbi cerebri specificati, alii
Postradiation encephalopathy
Use additional external cause code (Chapter XX), if desired, to identify cause.
G93.9Disorder of brain,unspecified
Latin: Morbus cerebri, non specificatus

G94*Other disorders of brain in diseases classified elsewhere
Latin: Morbi cerebri alii in morbis aliis
G94.0*Hydrocephalus in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere (A00-B99+)
Latin: Hydrocephalus in morbis infectivis et morbis parazitariis (A00-B99+)
G94.1*Hydrocephalus in neoplastic disease (C00-D48+)
Latin: Hydrocephalus ad neoplasmam (C00-D48+)
G94.2*Hydrocephalus in other diseases classified elsewhere
Latin: Hydrocephalus in morbis aliis
G94.8*Other specified disorders of brain in diseases classified elsewhere
Latin: Morbi cerebri specificati alii in morbis aliis

G95Other diseases of spinal cord
Latin: Morbi medullae spinalis alii
Excludes: myelitis (G04.-)
G95.0Syringomyelia and syringobulbia
Latin: Syringomyelia et syringobulbia
G95.1Vascular myelopathies
Latin: Myelopathia vascularis
Acute infarction of spinal cord (embolic)(nonembolic)
Arterial thrombosis of spinal cord
Nonpyogenic intraspinal phlebitis and thrombophlebitis
Oedema of spinal cord
Subacute necrotic myelopathy
Excludes:intraspinal phlebitis and thrombophlebitis, except non-pyogenic (G08)
G95.2Cord compression, unspecified
Latin: Compressio medullae spinalis, non specificata
G95.8Other specified diseases of spinal cord
Latin: Morbi medullae spinalis specificati, alii
Cord bladder NOS
· drug-induced
· radiation-induced
Use additional external cause code (Chapter XX), if desired, to identify external agent.
Excludes:neurogenic bladder:
· NOS (N31.9)
· due to cauda equina syndrome (G83.4)
neuromuscular dysfunction of bladder without mention of spinal cord lesion (N31.-)
G95.9Disease of spinal cord, unspecified
Latin: Morbus medullae spinalis, non specificatus
Myelopathy NOS

G96Other disorders of central nervous system
Latin: Morbi systematis nervosi centralis alii
G96.0Cerebrospinal fluid leak
Latin: Liquorrhoea
Excludes:from spinal puncture (G97.0)
G96.1Disorders of meninges, not elsewhere classified
Latin: Morbi meningium
Meningeal adhesions (cerebral)(spinal)
G96.8Other specified disorders of central nervous system
Latin: Morbi systematis nervosi centralis specificati, alii
G96.9Disorder of central nervous system, unspecified
Latin: Morbus systematis nervosi centralis, non specificatus

G97Postprocedural disorders of nervous system, not elsewhere classified
Latin: Morbi systematis nervosi postprocedurales
G97.0Cerebrospinal fluid leak from spinal puncture
Latin: Liquorrhoea cerebrospinalis puncturalis
G97.1Other reaction to spinal and lumbar puncture
Latin: Reactio in punctionem spinolumbalem alia
G97.2Intracranial hypotension following ventricular shunting
Latin: Hypotensio intracranialis ad lateralisationem ventriculi
G97.8Other postprocedural disorders of nervous system
Latin: Morbi systematis nervosi postprocedurales alii
G97.9Postprocedural disorder of nervous system, unspecified
Latin: Morbus systematis nervosi postproceduralis, non specificata

G98Other disorders of nervous system, not elsewhere classified
Latin: Morbi systematis nervosi alii
Nervous system disorder NOS

G99*Other disorders of nervous system in diseases classified elsewhere
Latin: Morbi systematis nervosi alii in morbis aliis
G99.0*Autonomic neuropathy in endocrine and metabolic diseases
Latin: Neuropathia autonoma in morbis endocrinis et metabolicis
Amyloid autonomic neuropathy (E85.-+)
Diabetic autonomic neuropathy (E10-E14+ with common fourth character .4)
G99.1*Other disorders of autonomic nervous system in other diseases classified elsewhere
Latin: Morbi systematis nervosi autonomi alii in morbis aliis
G99.2*Myelopathy in diseases classified elsewhere
Latin: Myelopathia in morbis aliis
Anterior spinal and vertebral artery compression syndromes (M47.0+)
Myelopathy in:
· intervertebral disc disorders (M50.0+, M51.0+)
· neoplastic disease (C00-D48+)
· spondylosis (M47.-+)
G99.8*Other specified disorders of nervous system in diseases classified elsewhere
Latin: Morbi systematis nervosi specificati alii in morbis aliis
