A00-B99 C00-D48D50-D89 E00-E90 F00-F99 G00-G99 H00-H59 H60-H95 I00-I99 J00-J99 K00-K93
L00-L99 M00-M99 N00-N99 O00-O99 P00-P96 Q00-Q99 R00-R99 S00-T98 V01-Y98 Z00-Z99 U00-U99

H53-H54 Visual disturbances and blindness

Chapter VII

Diseases of the eye and adnexa

Visual disturbances and blindness

H53Visual disturbances
Latin: Disordines visuales
H53.0Amblyopia ex anopsia
Latin: Amblyopia sine anopsia
· anisometropic
· deprivation
· strabismic
H53.1Subjective visual disturbances
Latin: Disordines visus subjectivi
Day blindness
Scintillating scotoma
Sudden visual loss
Visual halos
Excludes:visual hallucinations (R44.1)
Latin: Diplopia
Double vision
H53.3Other disorders of binocular vision
Latin: Disordines visus binocularis alii
Abnormal retinal correspondence
Fusion with defective stereopsis
Simultaneous visual perception without fusion
Suppression of binocular vision
H53.4Visual field defects
Latin: Defectus regionis visualis
Enlarged blind spot
Generalized contraction of visual field
Hemianop(s)ia (heteronymous)(homonymous)
Quadrant anop(s)ia
· arcuate
· Bjerrum
· central
· ring
H53.5Colour vision deficiencies
Latin: Dyschromatopsiae
Acquired colour vision deficiency
Colour blindness
Excludes:day blindness (H53.1)
H53.6Night blindness
Latin: Nyctalopia
Excludes:due to vitamin A deficiency (E50.5)
H53.8Other visual disturbances
Latin: Disordines visuales alii
H53.9Visual disturbance, unspecified
Latin: Disordo visualis, non specificatus

H54Blindness and low vision
Latin: Amaurosis et amblyopia
Note:For definition of visual impairment categories see table below.
Excludes:amaurosis fugax (G45.3)
H54.0Blindness, both eyes
Latin: Amaurosis bilateralis
Visual impairment categories 3, 4, 5 in both eyes.
H54.1Blindness, one eye, low vision other eye
Latin: Amaurosis monocularis, amblyopia oculi alterius
Visual impairment categories 3, 4, 5 in one eye, with categories 1 or 2 in the other eye.
H54.2Low vision, both eyes
Latin: Amblyopia bilateralis
Visual impairment categories 1 or 2 in both eyes.
H54.3Unqualified visual loss, both eyes
Latin: Amaurosis bilateralis indefinita
Visual impairment category 9 in both eyes.
H54.4Blindness, one eye
Latin: Amaurosis monocularis
Visual impairment categories 3, 4, 5 in one eye [normal vision in other eye].
H54.5Low vision, one eye
Latin: Amblyopia monocularis
Visual impairment categories 1 or 2 in one eye [normal vision in other eye].
H54.6Unqualified visual loss, one eye
Latin: Amaurosis monocularis indefinita
Visual impairment category 9 in one eye [normal vision in other eye].
H54.7Unspecified visual loss
Latin: Amaurosis, non specificata
Visual impairment category 9 NOS.
Note:The table below gives a classification of severity of visual impairment recommended by a WHO Study Group on the Prevention of Blindness, Geneva, 6-10 November l972.
[Foot note: WHO Technical Report Series No. 518, 1973]

The term "low vision" in category H54 comprises categories 1 and 2 of the table, the term "blindness" categories 3, 4 and 5, and the term "unqualified visual loss" category 9.

If the extent of the visual field is taken into account, patients with a field no greater than 10o but greater than 5o around central fixation should be placed in category 3 and patients with a field no greater than 5o around central fixation should be placed in category 4, even if the central acuity is not impaired.

Category of
visual impairment
Visual acuity with best possible correction
 Maximum less than:Minimum equal to or better than
3/10 (0,3)1/10 (0,1)
1/10 (0,1)1/20 (0,05)
33/601/60 (finger counting at 1 metre)
1/20 (0,05)1/50 (0,02)
20/4005/300 (20/1200)
41/60 (finger counting at 1 metre)Light perception
1/50 (0,02)
5No light perception
9Undetermined or unspecified
