A00-B99 C00-D48D50-D89 E00-E90 F00-F99 G00-G99 H00-H59 H60-H95 I00-I99 J00-J99 K00-K93
L00-L99 M00-M99 N00-N99 O00-O99 P00-P96 Q00-Q99 R00-R99 S00-T98 V01-Y98 Z00-Z99 U00-U99

M00-M03 Infectious arthropathies

Chapter XIII

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue

Disorders affecting predominantly peripheral (limb) joints

Infectious arthropathies
This block comprises arthropathies due to microbiological agents.

Distinction is made between the following types of etiological relationship:

   1. direct infection of joint, where organisms invade synovial tissue and microbial antigen is present in the joint;
   2. indirect infection, which may be of two types: a reactive arthropathy , where microbial infection of the body is established but neither organisms nor antigens can be identified in the joint, and a postinfective arthropathy , where microbial antigen is present but recovery of an organism is inconstant and evidence of local multiplication is lacking.

M00Pyogenic arthritis
Latin: Arthritis purulenta
[See site code at the beginning of this chapter]
M00.0Staphylococcal arthritis and polyarthritis
Latin: Arthritis et polyarthritis staphylococcica
M00.1Pneumococcal arthritis and polyarthritis
Latin: Atrhritis et polyarthritis pneumococcica
M00.2 Other streptococcal arthritis and polyarthritis
Latin: Arthritis et polyarthritis streptococcica alia
M00.8Arthritis and polyarthritis due to other specified bacterial agents
Latin: Arthritis et polyarthritis purulenta per bacterias specificatas alia
Use additional code (B95-B96), if desired, to identify bacterial agent.
M00.9Pyogenic arthritis, unspecified
Latin: Arthritis purulenta, non specificata
Infective arthritis NOS
M01*Direct infections of joint in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere
Latin: Arthritis in morbis infectivis et morbis parasitariis
[See site code at the beginning of this chapter]
Excludes:arthropathy in sarcoidosis (M14.8*)
postinfective and reactive arthropathy (M03.-*)
M01.0*Meningococcal arthritis (A39.8+)
Latin: Arthritis menigococcica (A39.8.-)
Excludes:postmeningococcal arthritis (M03.0*)
M01.1* Tuberculous arthritis (A18.0+)
Latin: Arthritis tuberculosa (A18.0+)
Excludes:of spine (M49.0*)
M01.2* Arthritis in Lyme disease (A69.2+)
Latin: Arthritis im morbo Lyme (A69.2+)
M01.3*Arthritis in other bacterial diseases classified elsewhere
Latin: Arthritis in morbis bacerialibus aliis
Arthritis in:
· leprosy [Hansen's disease] (A30.-+)
· localized salmonella infection (A02.2+)
· typhoid or paratyphoid fever (A01.-+)
Gonococcal arthritis (A54.4+)
M01.4*Rubella arthritis (B06.8+)
Latin: Arthritis rubeolosa (B06.8+)
M01.5*Arthritis in other viral diseases classified elsewhere
Latin: Arthritis in morbis viralibus aliis
Arthritis in:
· mumps (B26.8+)
· O'nyong-nyong fever (A92.1+)
M01.6*Arthritis in mycoses (B35-B49+)
Latin: Arthritis mycotica (B35-B49+)
M01.8*Arthritis in other infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere
Latin: Arthritis in morbis infectivis et morbis parasitariis aliis
M02Reactive arthropathies
Latin: Arthropathiae reactivae
[See site code at the beginning of this chapter]
Excludes:Behçet's disease (M35.2)
rheumatic fever (I00)
M02.0Arthropathy following intestinal bypass
Latin: Arthropathia post circuitum ("by pass") intestinalem
M02.1Postdysenteric arthropathy
Latin: Arthropathia postdysenterica
M02.2Postimmunization arthropathy
Latin: Arthropathia postimmunisationalis
M02.3Reiter's disease
Latin: Morbus Reiter
M02.8Other reactive arthropathies
Latin: Arthropathiae reactivae aliae
M02.9Reactive arthropathy, unspecified
Latin: Arthropathia reactiva non specificata
M03*Postinfective and reactive arthropathies in diseases classified elsewhere
Latin: Arthropathia postinfectiva et arthropathia reactiva in morbis aliis
[See site code at the beginning of this chapter]
Excludes:direct infections of joint in infectious and parasitic diseases classified elsewhere (M01.-*)
M03.0*Postmeningococcal arthritis (A39.8+)
Latin: Arthritis postmeningococcica (A39.8+)
Excludes:meningococcal arthritis (M01.0*)
M03.1*Postinfective arthropathy in syphilis
Latin: Arthropathia syphilitica
Clutton's joints (A50.5+)
Excludes: Charcot's or tabetic arthropathy (M14.6*)
M03.2*Other postinfectious arthropathies in diseases classified elsewhere
Latin: Arthropathiae postinfectivae in morbis aliis
Postinfectious arthropathy in:
· enteritis due to Yersinia enterocolitica (A04.6+)
· viral hepatitis (B15-B19+)
Excludes:viral arthropathies (M01.4-M01.5*)
M03.6*Reactive arthropathy in other diseases classified elsewhere
Latin: Arthropathia reactiva in morbis aliis
Arthropathy in infective endocarditis (I33.0+)
