A00-B99 C00-D48D50-D89 E00-E90 F00-F99 G00-G99 H00-H59 H60-H95 I00-I99 J00-J99 K00-K93
L00-L99 M00-M99 N00-N99 O00-O99 P00-P96 Q00-Q99 R00-R99 S00-T98 V01-Y98 Z00-Z99 U00-U99

M05-M14 Inflammatory polyarthropathies

Chapter XIII

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue


Disorders affecting predominantly peripheral (limb) joints

Inflammatory polyarthropathies 

M05Seropositive rheumatoid arthritis
Latin: Arthritis rheumatoides seropositiva
[See site code at the beginning of this chapter]
Excludes:rheumatic fever (I00)
rheumatoid arthritis (of):
· juvenile (M08.-)
· spine(M45)
M05.0Felty's syndrome
Latin:Syndroma Felty
Rheumatoid arthritis with splenoadenomegaly and leukopenia
M05.1+Rheumatoid lung disease (J99.0*)
Latin:Morbus pulmonis rheumatoides (J99.0*)
M05.2Rheumatoid vasculitis
Latin:Vasculitis rheumatoides
M05.3+Rheumatoid arthritis with involvement of other organs and systems
Latin: Arthritis rheumatoides cum apprehensione organorum et sistematum aliorum
· carditis (I52.8*)
· endocarditis (I39.-*)
· myocarditis (I41.8*)
· myopathy ( G73.7*)
· pericarditis (I32.8*)
· polyneuropathy (G63.6*)
M05.8 Other seropositive rheumatoid arthritis
Latin: Arthritis rheumatoides seropositiva alia
M05.9Seropositive rheumatoid arthritis, unspecified
Latin: Arthritis rheumatoides seropositiva, non specificata
M06 Other rheumatoid arthritis
Latin: Arthritis rheumatoides alia
[See site code at the beginning of this chapter]
M06.0Seronegative rheumatoid arthritis
Latin: Arthritis rheumatoides seronegativa
M06.1Adult-onset Still's disease
Latin: Morbus Still tardus
Excludes:Still's disease NOS (M08.2)
M06.2Rheumatoid bursitis
Latin: Bursitis rheumatoides
M06.3Rheumatoid nodule
Latin: Nodulus rheumatoides
M06.4 Inflammatory polyarthropathy
Latin: Polyarthropathia inflammatoria
Excludes:polyarthritis NOS (M13.0)
M06.8 Other specified rheumatoid arthritis
Latin: Arthritis rheumatoides specificata alia
M06.9Rheumatoid arthritis, unspecified
Latin: Arthritis rheumatoides, non specificata
M07*Psoriatic and enteropathic arthropathies
Latin: Arthropathiae psoriaticae et arthropathiae enteropathicae
[See site code at the beginning of this chapter]
Excludes: juvenile psoriatic and enteropathic arthropathies (M09.-*)
M07.0*Distal interphalangeal psoriatic arthropathy (L40.5+)
Latin: Arthropathia psoriatica interphalangica distalis (L40.5+)
M07.1*Arthritis mutilans (L40.5+)
Latin: Arthritis psoriatica mutilans (L40.5+)
M07.2* Psoriatic spondylitis (L40.5+)
Latin: Spondylitis psoriatica (L40.5+)
M07.3*Other psoriatic arthropathies (L40.5+)
Latin: Arthropathiae psoriaticae aliae (L40.5+)
M07.4* Arthropathy in Crohn's disease [regional enteritis] (K50.-+)
Latin: Arthropathia in morbo Crohn (enteritis regionalis) (K50.-+)
M07.5*Arthropathy in ulcerative colitis (K51.-+)
Latin: Arthropathia in colitide ulcerativa (K51.-+)
M07.6* Other enteropathic arthropathies
Latin: Arthropathiae enteropaticae aliae
M08Juvenile arthritis
Latin: Arthritis puerilis
[See site code at the beginning of this chapter]
Includes:arthritis in children, with onset before 16th birthday and lasting longer than 3 months
Excludes:Felty's syndrome (M05.0)
juvenile dermatomyositis (M33.0)
M08.0Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
Latin: Arthritis puerilis rheumatoides
Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis with or without rheumatoid factor
M08.1Juvenile ankylosing spondylitis
Latin: Spondylitis puerilis ankylopoietica
Excludes:ankylosing spondylitis in adults (M45)
M08.2Juvenile arthritis with systemic onset
Latin: Arthritis puerilis systematica
Still's disease NOS
Excludes: adult-onset Still's disease (M06.1)
M08.3Juvenile polyarthritis (seronegative)
Latin: Polyarthritis puerilis (seronegativa)
Chronic juvenile polyarthritis
M08.4Pauciarticular juvenile arthritis
Latin: Arthritis puerilis oligoarticularis
M08.8Other juvenile arthritis
Latin: Arthritis puerilis alia
M08.9Juvenile arthritis, unspecified
Latin: Arthritis puerilis, non specificata
M09*Juvenile arthritis in diseases classified elsewhere
Latin: Arthritis puerilis in morbis aliis
[See site code at the beginning of this chapter]
Excludes:arthropathy in Whipple's disease (M14.8*)
M09.0*Juvenile arthritis in psoriasis (L40.5+)
Latin: Arthritis puerilis psoriatica (L40.5+)
M09.1*Juvenile arthritis in Crohn's disease [regional enteritis] (K50.-+)
Latin: Arthritis puerilis in morbo Crohn (enteritis regionalis) (K50.-+)
M09.2*Juvenile arthritis in ulcerative colitis (K51.-+)
Latin: Arthritis puerilis in colitide ulcerativa (K51.-+)
M09.8*Juvenile arthritis in other diseases classified elsewhere
Latin: Arthritis puerilis in morbis aliis
Latin: Arthritis urica
[See site code at the beginning of this chapter]
M10.0Idiopathic gout
Latin: Arthritis urica idiopathica
Gouty bursitis
Primary gout
Urate tophus of heart+ (I43.8*)
M10.1Lead-induced gout
Latin: Arthritis urica plumbica
M10.2Drug-induced gout
Latin: Arthritis urica medicamentosa
Use additional external cause code (Chapter XX), if desired, to identify drug.
M10.3Gout due to impairment of renal function
Latin: Arthritis urica propter insufficientiam renalem
M10.4 Other secondary gout
Latin: Arthritis urica secundaria alia
M10.9Gout, unspecified
Latin: Arthritis urica, non specificata
M11 Other crystal arthropathies
Latin: Arthropathiae crystallogenes aliae
[See site code at the beginning of this chapter]
M11.0 Hydroxyapatite deposition disease
Latin: Morbus hydroxyspatitogenes
M11.1 Familial chondrocalcinosis
Latin: Chondrocalcinosis familiaris
M11.2 Other chondrocalcinosis
Latin: Chondrocalcinosis alia
Chondrocalcinosis NOS
M11.8Other specified crystal arthropathies
Latin: Arthropathiae crystallogenes aliae, specificatae
M11.9Crystal arthropathy, unspecified
Latin: Arthropathia crystallogenes, non specificata
M12Other specific arthropathies
Latin: Arthropathiae aliae, specificatae
[See site code at the beginning of this chapter]
Excludes: arthropathy NOS (M13.9)
arthrosis (M15-M19)
cricoarytenoid arthropathy (J38.7)
M12.0Chronic postrheumatic arthropathy [Jaccoud]
Latin: Arthropathia postrheumatica chronica Jaccoud
M12.1Kaschin-Beck disease
Latin: Morbus Kaschin-Beck
M12.2 Villonodular synovitis (pigmented)
Latin: Synovitis villonodularis (pigmentosa)
M12.3Palindromic rheumatism
Latin: Rheumatismus palindromiacus
M12.4 Intermittent hydrarthrosis
Latin: Hydrarthrosis temporalis
M12.5Traumatic arthropathy
Latin: Arthropathia traumatica
Excludes:post-traumatic arthrosis (of):
· NOS (M19.1)
· first carpometacarpal joint (M18.2-M18.3)
· hip (M16.4-M16.5)
· knee (M17.2-M17.3)
· other single joints (M19.1)
M12.8Other specific arthropathies, not elsewhere classified
Latin: Arthropathia alia, specificata.
Transient arthropathy
M13 Other arthritis
Latin: Arthritis alia
[See site code at the beginning of this chapter]
Excludes:arthrosis (M15-M19)
M13.0Polyarthritis, unspecified
Latin: Polyarthritis, non specificata
M13.1Monoarthritis, not elsewhere classified
Latin: Monarthritis
M13.8Other specified arthritis
Latin: Arthritis alia, specificata
Allergic arthritis
M13.9Arthritis, unspecified
Latin: Arthritis, non specificata
Arthropathy NOS
M14*Arthropathies in other diseases classified elsewhere
Latin: Arthropathiae in morbis aliis
Excludes:arthropathy in:
· haematological disorders (M36.2-M36.3*)
· hypersensitivity reactions (M36.4*)
· neoplastic disease (M36.1*)
neuropathic spondylopathy (M49.4*)
psoriatic and enteropathic arthropathies (M07.-*)
· juvenile (M09.-*)
M14.0* Gouty arthropathy due to enzyme defects and other inherited disorders
Latin: Arthropathia urica propter defectus enzimarum et disordines hereditarios alios
Gouty arthropathy in:
· Lesch-Nyhan syndrome (E79.1+)
· sickle-cell disorders (D57.-+)
M14.1*Crystal arthropathy in other metabolic disorders
Latin: Arthropathia crystaliogenes in disordinibus metabolicis aliis
Crystal arthropathy in hyperparathyroidism (E21.-+)
M14.2*Diabetic arthropathy (E10-E14+ with common fourth character .6)
Latin: Arthropathia diabetica
Excludes:diabetic neuropathic arthropathy (M14.6*)
M14.3*Lipoid dermatoarthritis (E78.8+)
Latin: Dermatoarthritis lipoidalis (E78.8+)
M14.4*Arthropathy in amyloidosis (E85.-+)
Latin: Arthropathia amyloidalis (E86.-+).
M14.5*Arthropathies in other endocrine, nutritional and metabolic disorders
Latin: Arthropathiae in morbis endocrinis, nutritionalibus et metabolicis aliis
Arthropathy in:
· acromegaly and pituitary gigantism (E22.0+)
· haemochromatosis (E83.1+)
· hypothyroidism (E00-E03+)
· thyrotoxicosis [hyperthyroidism] (E05.-+)
M14.6*Neuropathic arthropathy
Latin: Arthropathia neuropathica
Charcot's or tabetic arthropathy (A52.1+)
Diabetic neuropathic arthropathy (E10-E14+ with common fourth character .6)
M14.8*Arthropathies in other specified diseases classified elsewhere
Latin: Arthropathiae in morbis aliis, specificatis
Arthropathy in:
· erythema:
  · multiforme (L51.-+)
  · nodosum (L52+)
· sarcoidosis (D86.8+)
· Whipple's disease (K90.8+)
