A00-B99 C00-D48D50-D89 E00-E90 F00-F99 G00-G99 H00-H59 H60-H95 I00-I99 J00-J99 K00-K93
L00-L99 M00-M99 N00-N99 O00-O99 P00-P96 Q00-Q99 R00-R99 S00-T98 V01-Y98 Z00-Z99 U00-U99

M86-M90 Other osteopathies

Chapter XIII

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue

Osteopathies and chondropathies

Other osteopathies

* postprocedural osteopathies (M96.-)

M86 Osteomyelitis
Latin: Osteomyelitis
[See site code at the beginning of this chapter]
Use additional code (B95-B97), if desired, to identify infectious agent.
Excludes:osteomyelitis (of):
· due to salmonella (A01-A02)
· jaw (K10.2)
· vertebra (M46.2)
M86.0 Acute haematogenous osteomyelitis
Latin: Osteomyelitis haematogenes acuta
M86.1Other acute osteomyelitis
Latin: Osteomyelitis acuta alia
M86.2 Subacute osteomyelitis
Latin: Osteomyelitis subacuta
M86.3 Chronic multifocal osteomyelitis
Latin: Osteomyelitis multifocalis chronica
M86.4 Chronic osteomyelitis with draining sinus
Latin: Osteomyelitis cum fluore foci chronica
M86.5Other chronic haematogenous osteomyelitis
Latin: Osteomyelitis haematogenes chronica alia
M86.6 Other chronic osteomyelitis
Latin: Osteomyelitis chronica alia
M86.8 Other osteomyelitis
Latin: Osteomyelitis alia
Brodie's abscess
M86.9 Osteomyelitis, unspecified
Latin: Osteomyelitis, non specificata
Infection of bone NOS
Periostitis without mention of osteomyelitis
Latin: Osteonecrosis
[See site code at the beginning of this chapter]
Includes: avascular necrosis of bone
Excludes: osteochondropathies (M91-M93)
M87.0Idiopathic aseptic necrosis of bone
Latin: Osteonecrosis aseptica idiopathica
M87.1Osteonecrosis due to drugs
Latin: Osteonecrosis medicamentosa
Use additional external cause code (Chapter XX), if desired, to identify drug.
M87.2 Osteonecrosis due to previous trauma
Latin: Osteonecrosis posttraumatica
M87.3 Other secondary osteonecrosis
Latin: Osteonecrosis secundaria alia
M87.8 Other osteonecrosis
Latin: Osteonecrosis alia
M87.9 Osteonecrosis, unspecified
Latin: Osteonecrosis, non specificata
M88Paget's disease of bone [osteitis deformans]
Latin: Osteitis deformans Paget
[See site code at the beginning of this chapter]
M88.0Paget's disease of skull
Latin: Morbus Paget cranii
M88.8Paget's disease of other bones
Latin: Morbus Paget ossium aliorum
M88.9Paget's disease of bone, unspecified
Latin: Morbus Paget ossium, non classificatus
M89 Other disorders of bone
Latin: Morbi ossium alii
[See site code at the beginning of this chapter]
Latin: Algoneurodystrophia
Shoulder-hand syndrome
Sudeck's atrophy
Sympathetic reflex dystrophy
M89.1 Epiphyseal arrest
Latin: Stasis epiphysica
M89.2 Other disorders of bone development and growth
Latin: Morbi staturae et evolutionis ossium alii
M89.3 Hypertrophy of bone
Latin: Hypertrophia ossium
M89.4Other hypertrophic osteoarthropathy
Latin: Osteoartropathia hypertrophica alia
Marie-Bamberger disease
M89.5 Osteolysis
Latin: Osteolysis
M89.6 Osteopathy after poliomyelitis
Latin: Osteopathia postpolyomyelitica
Use additional code (B91), if desired, to identify previous poliomyelitis.
M89.8 Other specified disorders of bone
Latin: Morbi ossium alii, specificati
Infantile cortical hyperostoses
Post-traumatic subperiosteal ossification
M89.9 Disorder of bone, unspecified
Latin: Morbus ossium, non specificatus
M90*Osteopathies in diseases classified elsewhere
Latin: Osteopathia in morbis aliis
[See site code at the beginning of this chapter]
M90.0* Tuberculosis of bone (A18.0+)
Latin: Osteomyelitis tuberculosa (18.0+)
Excludes: tuberculosis of spine (M49.0*)
M90.1*Periostitis in other infectious diseases classified elsewhere
Latin: Periosteitis in morbis infectivis aliis
Secondary syphilitic periostitis (A51.4+)
M90.2*Osteopathy in other infectious diseases classified elsewhere
Latin: Osteopathia in morbis infectivis aliis
· echinococcal (B67.2+)
· gonococcal (A54.4+)
· salmonella (A02.2+)
Syphilitic osteopathy or osteochondropathy (A50.5+, A52.7+)
M90.3* Osteonecrosis in caisson disease (T70.3+)
Latin: Osteonecrosis in morbo capsico (T70.3+)
M90.4*Osteonecrosis due to haemoglobinopathy (D50-D64+)
Latin: Osteonecrosis haemoglobinopathica
M90.5*Osteonecrosis in other diseases classified elsewhere
Latin: Osteonecrosis in morbis aliis
M90.6* Osteitis deformans in neoplastic disease (C00-D48+)
Latin: Osteitis deformans neoplastica (C00-D48+)
Osteitis deformans in malignant neoplasm of bone (C40-C41+)
M90.7* Fracture of bone in neoplastic disease (C00-D48+)
Latin: Fractura ossium neoplastica (C00-D48+)
Excludes:collapse of vertebra in neoplastic disease (M49.5*)
M90.8*Osteopathy in other diseases classified elsewhere
Latin: Osteopathia in morbis aliis
Osteopathy in renal osteodystrophy (N25.0+)
